Items for Sale

Available at the History Center and by mail, the items below make great gifts for you and your family. Fill out the order form, attach your payment and mail it to 38A Ferry Road, Westport Island, ME 04578.

Westport Island, Maine Once Jeremysquam. Compiled by John and Louise Swanton; Published by the Westport Community Association $20.00
The Mills of Westport Island: A Lost Industrial History. Compiled by Dennis Dunbar with materials from Bea Harriman, Cora Tarbox, and Bud Warren $10.00
Westport Island Maine, 1605–1972. Written and published by Cora J. Tarbox, rev. 2021 $20.00
Westport Island Maine Cemeteries. Compiled by the Westport Island Cemetery Committee; rev. 2014 $15.00
